Only Angels Have Wings

圖文整理/Lillian Liao 2013年11月10日



★ Director:霍華德霍克斯(Howard Hawks)

★ Stars:卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant), 珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur), 麗塔海華斯(Rita Hayworth), 李察巴斯麥斯(Richard Barthelmess), 湯瑪斯米契爾(Thomas Mitchell)


卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant, 1904-1986) & 珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur)
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卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant, 1904-1986) & 麗塔海華斯(Rita Hayworth, 1918-1987)
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左 麗塔海華斯(Rita Hayworth, 1918-1987)
中 卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant, 1904-1986)
右 珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur)

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Only Angels Have Wings
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You Can't Take It with You

圖文整理/Lillian Liao 2013年11月10日




★ Director:法蘭克卡普拉(Frank Capra)

★ Stars:珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur), 詹姆史都華(James Stewart), 李昂巴利摩(Lionel Barrymore), 愛德華阿諾(Edward Arnold), 安米勒(Ann Miller Ⅰ), 米莎奧爾(Mischa Auer), 史普琳白林頓(Spring Byington), 山繆 S. 海因斯(Samuel S. Hinds), 唐納米克(Donald Meek), H.B. Warner, Halliwell Hobbes

★ 奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演獎。


詹姆史都華(James Stewart, 1908-1997) & 珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur, 1900-1991)
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李昂巴利摩(Lionel Barrymore, 1878-1954), 詹姆史都華(James Stewart, 1908-1997), 珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur, 1900-1991), 愛德華阿諾(Edward Arnold, 1890-1956)
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珍亞瑟(Jean Arthur, 1900-1991), 詹姆史都華(James Stewart, 1908-1997), 李昂巴利摩(Lionel Barrymore, 1878-1954)
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Jimmy Stewart, Ann Miller, Edward Arnold, Mary Forbes in "You Can't Take It with You"
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RYou Can't Take It with You
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圖文整理/Lillian Liao 2015年7月11日



‪改編自法國作家小仲馬‬世界‪名著"茶花女"(La dame aux camélias)‬


★ Director:喬治庫克(George Cukor)
★ Stars:葛麗泰嘉寶(Greta Garbo), 勞勃泰勒(Robert Taylor), 李昂巴利摩爾(Lionel Barrymore), 伊麗莎白艾蘭(Elizabeth Allan), Jessie Ralph, Henry Daniell, Lenore Ulric, Laura Hope Crews, Rex O'Malley



葛麗泰嘉寶(Greta Garbo, 1905-1990) & 勞勃泰勒(Robert Taylor, 1911-1969)
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勞勃泰勒(Robert Taylor, 1911-1969) & 葛麗泰嘉寶(Greta Garbo, 1905-1990)
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李昂巴利摩爾(Lionel Barrymore, 1878-1954) & 葛麗泰嘉寶(Greta Garbo, 1905-1990)
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葛麗泰嘉寶(Greta Garbo, 1905-1990) & Henry Daniell(1894-1963)
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Robert Taylor(1911-1969), Greta Garbo(1905-1990), Laura Hope Crews(1879-1942), Rex O'Malley(1901-1976)
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